San Jose Scheduled Service
Auto Repair that Keeps you safe
At Reliable Auto Repair, our staff understands how important your vehicle is to you which is why we strive to establish long term trustworthy relationships with our clients and prove our worth by performing detailed inspections during regularly scheduled maintenance services. We are able to inform you what services may be coming up, as well as the severity of necessary repairs as they relate to safety, performance, and drivability.





Air Filters

Brakes And Brake Fluid

Windshield Wiper Fluid





Air Filters

Brakes And Brake Fluid

Windshield Washer Fluid
Let Us Help You With The Services Your Vehicle Needs
We will help you with any scheduled services you need and can answer any questions regarding your vehicle’s condition. Our goal at Reliable Auto Repair in San Jose is to give you a prioritized list of items that may need attention when it comes to your car. Give us a call today at (408) 229-1010 to set up an appointment.

Let Us Help You With The Services Your Vehicle Needs

We will help you with any scheduled services you need and can answer any questions regarding your vehicle’s condition. Our goal at Reliable Auto Repair in San Jose is to give you a prioritized list of items that may need attention when it comes to your car. Give us a call today at (408) 229-1010 to set up an appointment.