San Jose Engine Light Service
Auto Repair that Keeps you safe
Have any of the warning lights on your dash come on? At Reliable Auto Repair we understand that this can occur when you least expect it! Give us a call to let us know when you’d like to swing by for a comprehensive and trustworthy diagnostic to see what the cause of the malfunction may be. It is always best to take care of warning lights in a timely manner to make sure your vehicle doesn’t fail to function safely and reliably. Our staff is always happy to help!

When it comes to warning lights

Brake System Malfunction

Reduced Engine Performance

Transmission System Malfunction

Vehicle Security Alert

Electrical Charging System Failure

When it comes to warning lights

Brake System Malfunction

Reduced Engine Performance

Transmission System Malfunction

Vehicle Security Alert

Electrical Charging System Failure
Does your car have any warning lights?
We have you covered! Warning lights have a variety of reasons for coming on, but most importantly your vehicle is trying to tell you something. By dropping off your vehicle and letting one of our trained technicians tackle the problem with factory scan tools, manufacturer specific resources, and years of experience you’ll be back on the road in no time!

We have you covered! Warning lights have a variety of reasons for coming on, but most importantly your vehicle is trying to tell you something. By dropping off your vehicle and letting one of our trained technicians tackle the problem with factory scan tools, manufacturer specific resources, and years of experience you’ll be back on the road in no time!